The State of Michigan released a list of schools based on Michigan School Index scores. Schools could score as a Targeted Support and Improvement, Additional Targeted Support, or Comprehensive Support and Improvement. Bellevue Junior/Senior High School scored as a Comprehensive Support and Improvement solely for having a four-year graduation rate below 67%. 

 As a result, we will carry this label for three years. While we have this label the school will have access to Regional Assistance Grants, additional professional development opportunities, additional networking and collaboration within the State, and be provided assistance with school improvement planning and support, compliance and accountability, and data review and support. 

We are working closely with Calhoun ISD to formulate a plan of action to improve our graduation rate well before the three year deadline. Already this year we have created a partnership with Graduation Alliance, and are actively working with them to make sure as many present and past students as possible have an opportunity to earn a Bellevue diploma. 

Go Broncos!

Dr. McGarry