Hello, Broncos! As our COVID cases are increasing throughout the county, we wanted to remind you of a couple of things that will help us minimize risk and keep students in school. 1. Please complete a health screener on your child every day. If they are experiencing COVID symptoms, please keep them home. 2. If you have taken your child for a COVID test, please keep them (and their siblings) home while you wait to receive the results. At this time, the number of students under quarantine because of exposure is much greater than the number of students that have tested positive for COVID. We need your help to minimize risk for all students. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Hello, Broncos! Great news! The access road off of West St (closest to the soccer field) is open. This means drop off and pick up at the Elementary School and access to the soccer field for Thursday's game resume normal operation. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Hello, Broncos! Here is the latest information regarding COVID exposure. As you can see, there is a lot to consider when we have to work through contact tracing.
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Hello Bellevue Broncos! Each week we will share our COVID-19 data with you. Please watch for this data on Thursdays. ~Mrs. Mohney
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Attention Jr High Football families - practice has been cancelled for tonight, Thursday, September 2. ~Sarah Vanden Heuvel, Athletic Director
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you for sharing your perspective on several topics critical to the development of the District’s next strategic plan. The survey is being administered by the MASB Leadership Development team on behalf of the District and takes about ten minutes to complete. Anonymous individual responses like yours will be combined with those from other stakeholders to provide important community input to the Board of Education and the strategic planning team as it seeks to identify the vision and the means by which to accomplish that vision. Thank you for your input. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/planbellevue
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic September 23 4:00 - 7:00pm
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Good evening. Due to bus driver shortage, the following adjustments will be made to bus routes for the rest of this week. Bus Route #2, Amanda's bus, will be running 40 minutes later than normal for the AM only. Students will have breakfast once they arrive and will not be marked tardy. Bus Route #5, Mike's bus, will be running 40 minutes later than normal for the PM only. Thank you for understanding. Geoff Boden, Transportation Supervisor
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Good afternoon, Broncos! Please review the following COVID-19 information from Mrs. Mohney. https://5il.co/y5dx https://5il.co/y5dq
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Hello, Broncos! Tonight's Coed Varsity Soccer game has been cancelled due to lack of officials. ~Sarah Vanden Heuvel, Athletic Director
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Hello Bellevue Broncos! Each week we will share our COVID-19 data with you. Please watch for this data on Thursdays. ~Mrs. Mohney
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Our first Coed Varsity Soccer game is today at 5:00pm. If you are coming out to cheer on the team, please park by the ball fields and enter at the West end of the soccer field (near the concession stand).
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
The elementary building demo is almost complete. I know many of our community members have already been on site to collect a brick or two. For those of you that have not already done so, now is your chance. Please help yourselves.
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Thank you to the Etcetera Club for the donation of school supplies! We truly appreciate their support!
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Due to the intense heat, we will be moving to 1/2 days for Wednesday and Thursday this week. Student-athletes will continue to follow MHSAA heat index guidelines. Dismissal times: -11:15 Jr/Sr High School -11:25 Elementary
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Special Board Meeting Tuesday, August 24, 2021 7:00pm Agenda - https://5il.co/xqba
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
It's a great time to be a Bronco!!
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Good luck to our Broncos that are heading off to college this week! We are incredibly proud of you!!
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Hello, Broncos! Here is the latest communication from Mr. Mitchell regarding staffing at the Jr/Sr High School. https://5il.co/xkzn
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools
Thank you for an amazing first week of school, Broncos! Don’t forget that we do not have school tomorrow (August 20). We look forward to seeing all of you on Monday, August 23!
over 2 years ago, Bellevue Community Schools