Bellevue COVID-19 Response

Bellevue Community Schools will be following the guidelines set out by the Center of Disease Control which were updated August 2022.

Safety Precautions

While described as COVID-19 safety precautions, most of these are really practices that can help prevent or lower the number of cases of the flu , RSV, and other diseases as well. 

Students and staff with severe symptoms such a fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea should stay home. Should symptoms occur while at school we encourage students and staff to leave early or mask. Students and staff with persistent symptoms or a worsening cough should consider talking with their doctor. Taking an at-home test for COVID-19 may also be a good idea. 

Students and staff should practice good hygiene by washing their hands before and after they eat, after using the restroom, and after being outside. We encourage individuals to cough or sneeze into their elbow rather than their hands. 

Bellevue Community Schools will ensure that the building is cleaned at least once a day.

Confirmed Positive Cases of COVID-19

  1. Should a student or staff member test positive they should immediately isolate for at least five (5) days.

  2. Once severe symptoms (fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea) are gone or after five (5) days an individual can leave isolation, but should be masked for five (5) additional days.

  3. When the school is aware of a positive case that attended school we will notify families of exposure. Those exposed should monitor for symptoms for at least 10 days. Potentially exposed individuals should continue to attend school and may continue other activities as normal unless symptoms appear.

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